Yoga Synergy
Seamless integration of traditional yoga & modern science
Yoga Synergy is an approach to yoga, developed in 1984 by experienced yoga practitioners and physiotherapists, Simon Borg Oliver and Bianca Machliss. This unique style is suitable for every body, using various techniques and methodologies drawn from Tai Chi, modern medical science and Hatha Yoga to help the “modern” day body access traditional yoga postures. The aim of Yoga Synergy is to teach the ancient art of yoga in a safe, active and intelligent manner rooted in a deep understanding of anatomy and physiology.
The method encourages the student to practice responsibly with a sense of awareness and compassion towards how you feel in the present moment. By honouring the boundaries and limitations of the body, Yoga Synergy teaches the students to respond to the body exactly as it is in the moment without attachments to the past or future outcomes.
The overall practice is designed to stimulate the body to move naturally with fluidity and ease whilst connecting to the natural, diaphragmatic rhythm of the breath which will in turn enhance life force, energy and vitality. We then learn to generate energy via our yoga practice by gently moving through a meditative flow over time developing strength, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness. Ultimately, we create a practice that is safe with long term benefits, equipping us with the tools and abilities to better cope with stress in our modern day lifestyles.
The Yoga Synergy approach can be applied to any form of yoga, helping the practitioner to discover harmony in the body, mind and spirit by practicing with softness and ease whilst maintaining a firm, steady and centred awareness (sthira sukham asanam). Through incorporating asanas, vinyasa, pranayama and meditation, the practice will energise the body by increasing the blood flow and establish calmness in the mind, continually focusing the attention to the breath in each present moment.